April 21, 2006Air Force Staff Sgt. Jeff Havens gives candy to children in the village of Makawa, Afghanistan, on Saturday, April 15, 2006. Sergeant Havens is a joint terminal attack controller attached to Alpha Company, 3rd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 10th Mountain Division. (U.S. Army photo/Spc. Christopher S. Barnhart) Mitglieder einer polizeilichen Spezialeinheit gehen zu einem Hubschrauber, um zwei Verdaechtige aus Potsdam zur Vernehmung vor den Haftrichter am Bundesgreichtshof in Karlsruhe am Freitag, 21. April 2006, zu fuehren. Die zwei Maenner im Alter von 29 und 30 Jahren waren am Vorabend in Potsdam festgenommen worden. Sie sollen am Ostersonntag einen 37-jaehrigen Deutsch-Afrikaner zusammengeschlagen und lebensgefaehrlich verletzt haben. (AP Photo/ Winfried Rothermel) --Masked police officers of a special task force are on their way to a helicoter to guide two suspects in the Federal Court in Karlsruhe, Friday, April 21, 2006. The two suspects were being brought before a federal judge Friday for questioning in connection with a brutal and allegedly racist attack on a black man that has shocked the nation and raised fresh concerns about neo-Nazi violence. (AP Photo/ Winfried Rothermel) A police helicopter hovers before landing at the Federal Court site in Karlsruhe, southern Germany on Friday, April 21, 2006. Two suspects were being brought before a federal judge Friday for questioning in connection with a brutal and allegedly racist attack on a black man that has shocked the nation and raised fresh concerns about neo-Nazi violence. (AP Photo/ Winfried Rothermel) A masked Israeli soldier stands next to military vehicles, during an operation in the West Bank village of Deir Abu Daif near the West Bank town of Jenin Friday, April 21, 2006. According to witnesses and the army two militants from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades were arrested during the operation. (AP Photo/Mohammed Ballas) Colombian men, surrounded by police, arrive at Garcia Moreno Jail in Quito, Ecuador, Thursday, April 20, 2006. According to police, the men are members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, and were arrested for carrying weapons. (AP Photo) .
- Aug 31 Wed 2011 02:16
April 21, 2006